Saturday, November 7, 2009

A trip to rural India

As part of my job I get to travel all over the world which sometimes includes very small villages in India as well. Just the other day I visited the surrounding villages of Rajahmundry in Andhra Pradesh. The purpose of the visit was to have a look at some granite blocks at a few quarries.

Rajahmundry has a small airport as well which is very helpful in saving time to visit the nearby quarries. I then travelled almost 250 kms through the day before reaching Vizag airport for my flight back to Hyderabad. Through the day I came across a lot of people...interacted with a few and saw many. There is almost no infrastructure in the remote villages, no cars, no buildings just open fields, trees and fresh air. Unpolluted nature at its best. While I enjoyed the natural beauty I couldn't help but notice the plight of the people living there. Very poor roads made it a daunting task for people to commute from one place to the other. Areas where the population lived was extremely dirty with open drains and garbage everywhere. Small kids were roaming naked on streets. It always hurts to see small kids, especially, in such a circumstance. I kept wondering what sort of future is in store for them. What kind of life is this ? Why can't anything be done to make things right for those kids ?

I am constantly reminded at a beautiful one liner that I once read somewhere 'He complained about his shoes until he saw a person without legs.' We often take our luxuries for granted and never stop asking for more. We are never satisfied with what we have and always crib about what we don't. I hope and pray for a good life for everyone and hope a day comes when I travel across India to the remotest villages and see happy people in good living conditions.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Diwali makes me nostalgic !

The festive season is here. Diwali is that time of the year in India as Christmas is in the western world. People love to shower gifts on their loved ones; meet and spend time with family and friends; eat drink and have a great time.

To me the best times were when we were smaller. We had a firm called Jagat Pictures. It was involved in distributing Hindi movies in and around Hyderabad. The office was managed by my father, his brother, his cousins, his uncles, etc. In short almost everyone from the family was a part of the firm. Every Diwali there was a Puja at the office which was attended by every member of the family. Everyone came dressed in their best clothes. I remember playing with my cousins and running around before Motta kaka (my uncle) shouted at us to make us sit down for the Puja. It lasted for 10-15 mins. This was the time to listen quietly to the prayers to the Goddess of wealth to shower the firm with good luck and wealth for the next year. Once done with the prayers, everyone would stand in line and Mahendra kaka (my father's uncle), a towering personality, would co-ordinate with serving snacks to everyone. The menu remained unchanged for years, which was great coz it included Idli, Wada, Jalebi gathiya and upma with chutney, sambar, and kharam puri !

I loved listening to my uncles and father talk with each other. They made us all laugh. When all of them talked, people from nearby offices would think there is a fight going on. We are a very loud family.

Times have changed though. The size of the family diminished with my cousins heading out to different places due to their marriage, studies, work, etc. The movie business diminished due to extreme risks. Gradually all the partners went their own ways into different fields. Although there are still the Diwali get together, it never is the same. The people are less, the snacks are done away with. Interaction between everyone has become insignificant. Relationships continue to survive, love hasn't.

(Don't) Horn Please !

A while back an American customer visited our company. It was his first visit to India. Needless to say, he was quite take aback with the traffic and all the horning. He was amazed that there were no accidents. I called it 'organized chaos'. Horning in India is so common that trucks insist we horn past them.

Last week I came across a news item on TV which showed a person from Delhi who didn't horn from years. This habit of his rubbed off on his near and dear. He commented that not horning made him more patient and calm. He said people reach the same place at almost the same time whether they horned or not. Then why get yourself all worked up. Relax ! Initially, I thought it is impossible not to horn while driving in Hyderabad. The traffic is so unruly. People almost take pride in breaking rules. Driving is quite a task in today's Hyderabad. It is a traumatic experience.

However, that two minute news piece keeps ringing in my head all the time when I drive these days. I am making a conscious effort to avoid horning each time I would have otherwise. My effort has been an instant success. I managed not to horn a single time yesterday. Definitely, the first time for me that a day went by without hitting the horn. I feel very calm and composed when I do not horn and get hypered up with all the chaos around. I feel much less stressed coz of this. I don't think India will become horn free in the foreseeable future but hope the volume gets lower and lower as time goes by.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Indian vs US Air Travel

The airline industry world wide is going thru hell. Rising fuel costs, lesser number of travellers and what have you. However, what amazes me is the glaring difference between the United States' based airline companies and the ones back home.

The horror of travelling in the US begins at the check-in counter itself. The reps have some sort of an air as if they were doing us a favour checking us in. These days there are more number of auto check in kiosks than there are people checking in customers. At least the kiosks are more polite !!

Well...once your checked in you basically head into the long lines at security and are subjected to "a random search" by the airport security most of the time. I don't know how the "random" selection is done. However, I learnt, by personal experience that you basically get selected for the special treatment if you are from the sub-continent or surrounding countries. However, after years of travelling the security finally accepts that you are not a threat to the country and are not selected for a random selection any more.

You then head to the departure gate and board the plane to an artificially welcoming host / hostess who are called 'cabin crew'. Then begins the on board experience. Wow !! On flights that are even as long as 5 hours all that the airline serves are food boxes that could be bought ! They serve it with some soft drink / juice (which is thankfully free). For flights of a lesser duration forget about any food at all. They simply throw a minuscule packet of pretzel or peanut with a drink and thats it. A far away cry from the "Kingfisher Experience" !!

Cheers to the Indian Airline Industry for top notch service and providing us with a truly world class experience.

Friday, September 11, 2009

'O dear....O'Hare' !!

The monitor on Chicago's O'Hare International airport for my flight to Toronto read 'Delayed'. The time of the delay was a good 2 hours. To me this is just one of the hundreds of instances when flights into and out one of the United States' busiest airports, were delayed. I always assume that there would be a delay on my flight departing from Chicago. This assumption is based on years of flying out of this airport. I remember only ONE instance when the flight departed 'On-Time'. I'm quite sure that that was a mistake as well. Honestly !! The rest of the times flights were always delayed.

I just don't get it. How can an airport function like this? I love the city Chicago and love to come here. But I hate to transit this airport coz of these delays. I get to the final destination late, exhausted and frustrated with the experience. One more aspect of this airport is the baggage handling. You can be assured your bags would be misplaced on a connecting flight IF the connection is close (less than 45 mins apart). I have been unfortunate to have this happen to me a couple of times.

I have no complaints against the 'windy city' and actually love it. It is amongst my favourite cities in the world. Only, there must be someone who could do something about this issue at O'Hare.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The dreaded flight !

I have been fortunate to travel a bit around the world. However, as most frequent travellers, especially the coach travellers would know travelling in today's times is a punishment rather than fun.

I have been subject to the punishment over and over again in the last several years. The seats have become smaller, the leg space reduced, the meals lesser, the hostesses less friendly. I always try to get on a "Star Alliance" network airline which gives me special treatment due to the amount of business I have given them. However, on the current trip to the United States I was booked on Emirates. One of the sectors was a 16 1/2 hour flight from Dubai to Houston non-stop. This scared the heck out of me. To add to it I wasn't even assigned an isle seat (which I normally do with the travel agent to ensure some freedom in movement). At the airport check in, inspite of pleading with the check in rep I was informed that there are no isles available and that he would put in a request so the reps in Dubai would try and assign an isle when I reach Dubai.

I proceeded to the transfer desk at Dubai and came to terms with the thought of a cramped up middle seat and a screwed up flight. The agent all of a sudden took my boarding card and replaced it with a different looking new one. I thought it was another seat assignment and looked. After repeatedly looking to make sure I was ecstatic as I was assigned a Business Class seat. Yes !! A Business Class seat for a 16 freaking hour flight. All thru until the cabin doors were closed and the plane moved I was hoping that there was no mistake and no other person came up and took my seat. I was reminded of an instance of the same nature that happened a while back. However, nothing of that happened this time around and I enjoyed the flight in great comfort.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Bow down to MAGADHEERA !!

My brother, the great blogger, Kamal - had seen Magadheera within the first week of its release. This is by no means a small feat. To get a ticket of this super hyped up movie running to packed houses was an achievement. The next day on asking him about how the movie was, he remarked "Super duper colossal hit". Now, coming from an 'almost' Ram Charan Tej fan club member it was an obvious remark.

Anyways, considering that it might be a movie worth watching, even if not a super duper colossal hit, I opted to give it a shot. The venue this time was Prasads. The first scene shows the death of the great warrior 'Kaal Bhairava' and his love interest. Fast forward 400 years and you are in the present. Enter young and stylish RAM CHARAN TEJ. The movie breezily moves on with some light moments between the protagonist and the actress Kajal Agarwal. While this portion is very good what blows your mind away is the track 400 years behind where it is an out and out RAM CHARAN show. The entire scale of the movie is grand and does full justice to the 70mm screen. Full credit to the director to take a good movie and make it what it is.

This movie is truly a 'super duper colossal hit' and what makes it one is the mind blowing depiction of Kaal Bhairava by the fantastic Ram Charan Tej. He proves beyond doubt that he is the son of the MEGASTAR. Speaking of which, Magadheera springs up a surprise special appearance by the Megastar himself. This is another highlight of the movie. The one negative that comes across in this movie is the crudity of a few scenes. This certainly is an Adult movie strictly not for children.

There's no stopping this warrior from winning the hearts of its audiences. 8.5/10 for this epic !

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Would u like it with ice cream ?

I have been a big fan of the Cafe Frappe at the popular Cafe Coffee Day since years now. The wonderful taste of this drink at this joint hasn't changed over the years. I used to be so regular at one point when I would simply call n ask them to keep a frappe ready while I would go n just pick it up without having to wait.

In recent times however I have cut down my intake of the frappe and rarely visit Coffee Day. There is one innovative sales idea that some empty head at Coffee Day has come up with. I placed the order of the usual Cafe Frappe and was asked -"Do you want it with ice cream?" As I had not been frequenting it often I assumed that there were some changes in the manner it is made. The usual frappe was made with two scoops of Vanilla ice cream, a little milk, a small portion of coffee and two sachets of sugar. As I surely wanted it to have the same taste I answered in the affirmative. When the waiter brought my frappe, I was surprised to see an extra scoop of ice cream on the top of my frappe. I didn't complain. However, I understood the ploy when the check arrived. Those scoundrels had charged 25 bucks for that scoop of ice cream over n above the cost of the frappe.

Once bitten twice shy! On each of my subsequent visits to Coffee Day I have been faced with the same question by the waiter. Now, however, I make it a point to tell them that I want THE USUAL WAY IT'S MADE. I do not want to tell them NO and end up receiving the frappe WITHOUT any ice cream at all.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Kambakht critics...

I just love it when the critics thrash down a movie left right and centre. This makes the expectation level rock bottom. This is what happened with Kambakht Ishq as well. As usual, this Akshay flick was hyped up tremendously. For the first time an Indian movie was show casing Stallone in a special appearance and then there was Denise Richards (no matter if 99.9999% of India didn't know who the heck she was in the first place). I, for one didn't have much expectations from this movie and expected it to flop miserably. My expectations seemed spot on with the kind of reviews the movie got.

One evening, my brother and I were just in a frame of mind to go for 'any' movie and ended up blocking seats for Kambakht Ishq at Inox. I was in two minds while leaving home as well thinking why are we going for a miserable flop. Anyways, the urge to see a movie was too great to change the plans. Firstly, I have to mention that I was very impressed with Inox, Hyderabad. The auditorium had a very rich feel to it, very unlike any other. The first frame set the tone for the movie with a spat between Akshay and Kareena. The entire (almost) movie has this as the central theme, unlike all movies when the central characters are falling for each other. There is an abundant dose of comedy throughout the movie. Some scenes are simply hillarious. Special mention for the best scene where Akshay keeps hearing the mantra in the background. It is outrageously funny. Of the 2 hours and 15 mins humour takes up about 1 hour and 45 mins. I don't care for the other 30 mins as I've already had more than my money's worth.

Tragically the makers were too obsessed in trying to get Stallone and Denise to have a part in the movie, which was totally unnecessary. This part of the movie turns out to be the negative (so much for the hype). The other negative is the music, which badly dissappoints. While all the central actors play there part, the crown should go to the script writer for the comedy which makes this movie a winner. I enjoyed myself thoroughly and wouldn't mind it a second time as well ! 7.5/10 for this one. Go for it.

Monday, July 20, 2009

The Hyderabad Auto Show

The first edition of the Hyderabad Auto Show was conducted in the Hyderabad International Convention Centre from the 17th.thru the 19th.of July. It was a perfect time for me as I am on the lookout to buy my car. Accompanied by my wife I went to attend the auto show on Saturday early evening to avoid the traffic later in the day.

We had a very poor first impression of the organisational abilities of the organisers. The cars were initially diverted out of the main gate suggesting that the parking inside the venue was full. I then parked my car about 1/2 a kilometre away. We then walked up to the gate and saw that cars were being allowed inside ! This started the irritation. I then walked back to the car and drove into the venue. We were then asked to park in a ground a little away from the actual hall and waited for a shuttle to take us in. There were no signs and everything was haywire. The shuttle drove thru a couple of narrow lanes with cars parked on the sides. We were asked to get off a little away from the gate and walk up. We then joined in a line to get in. It was so chaotic that people just got in the 'line' from just about anywhere. There were then no proper signs as to where to buy the entry ticket.

Inside the hall, the ambiance was much better, although crowded. What can one do....India has a population of 1.2 billion people. We strolled around and went thru the details of a couple of cars that we were interested in. People were seen taking pics with almost all posh cars. One of the big stars was the 'nano' which was thankfully (for the dealers) kept at a podium so as to not allow anyone inside, otherwise by the end of the show it would have been in pieces with the number of people trying to get a peek. The clear two competitors were Maruti and Hyundai with the biggest displays. After an hour in the hall we were done and headed out. The shuttle made us wait for a very long time and then took us back to the car park.

The lack of proper infrastructure to organise a big convention or show in Hyderabad is obvious. We need to have world class facilities to conduct a show in a manner which is thoroughly professional and acclaimed by the exhibitors and visitors.

Monday, July 13, 2009

RISK - the third !!

I've fresh news just off the press from Hyderabad. It is known from reliable sources that RISK was played yet again by the same (more or less) bunch of lunatics at a new venue - Somajiguda. After ruining the peace of the residents of Begumpet, this bunch had gone berserk at Somajiguda late Saturday night causing a sleepless night to the residents of that area.

Inside sources say this time the bunch comprised of ten hooligans including two children. One child was a mix of Hrithik and Himesh. The game began around 10-30 and went on until 1-30 in the night. This time there were 5 teams which made all the negotiations, back stabbing, screeching all the more exciting and loud. While it is rumoured that Team Malay (almost) conquered the world by the end of the saga, the true winners were Team Prasan (technically) as they played the game in its true sence (taking RISKS), besides achieving the feat of conquering the United States, the largest economy in the world. At one stage, all 5 teams met at the UN and mutually agreed to merge the teams into two in order to come to a conclusion as the game was pretty much heading no where. There was severe criticism on Team Malay for playing with ONE dice in spite of having about 500 armies on board and having to conquer only a handful of territories. This was in itself a defeat. Finally, the Golden Warrior was the sole surviving army in the lands of Alaska in the combined forces against the oppressive and barbaric Team Malay. After repeated efforts as they were not able to overcome the might of the Golden Warrior, the barbarians raised the white flag and called for an end to the war.

By the end, the lunatics had consumed all the water at the venue as they ended up with severe sour throats. The press is all over the place trying to get some info on where and when the next big WAR would take place as there are strong rumours that there would be another very soon, before one of the loonies leaves for the real world's United States.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Rain rain come again.....I want my car to be clean again !

Gone are the days when there was domestic help always at hand. Domestic help in all fields are tougher to get today than a marketing executive or a software programmer. This is the classic case of demand outstripping supply by a huge margin. If domestic help was a stock I'd buy it all and see my profits soar.

I've had a beautiful car since a couple of years now and always had a car cleaner to keep it clean. Over the last year I've changed 4 or 5 cleaners, only one of whom I removed, the rest resigned....without any notice period (so much for professionalism). I wonder if this bunch had some sort of a convention they attend periodically, as they all had the same damned attitude. I would think twice or more to do anything that my boss wouldn't like and worry about my income all the time. However, these guys have no such worries. They don't turn up a few days every now and then and when we 'dare' cut their salaries for the days they didn't show up, they threaten to quit ! I paid them well.....well above what the normal rate in the market was. This was to ensure that my car was cleaned from within as well (as most of them only cleaned from the outside). All of them would initially agree but it would be a matter of time before they all went back to cleaning from the outside and leaving. The last guy quit because I spoke to him regarding both the above problems. I'm sure he would have found some other vehicle to clean almost immediately however I am yet to find another cleaner.

My poor car is bearing the brunt of this. I feel so sorry for the car when I see its beautiful shiny exterior all dusty and dirty. I feel sorry for the spots and mud inside. I try to clean it once a week but in a pollution filled city that ain't enough. I was happy with the rain recently helping me with the cleaning on the exterior but sadly rains have also dried up this season which makes my work all the more difficult.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Pranabda screws the Big B !

Hold on....the title doesn't have anything to do with Mr.Bachchan.

A few days after being sworn in as the new Finance minister every news channel and all market participants had hyped up the next budget as the biggest ever. CNBC, my favourite channel, called it the Big B (B obviously standing for Budget). For those who remember, the markets rose 17 odd % the day they opened after the Congress Govt.came to power. This was obviously due to the over confidence that all India's problems would be solved very soon. Expectations with the first budget were sky high. Every possible good was already priced into the stock prices. It needed a budget tad below expectations to prick the inflated balloon and that's exactly what Pranabda delivered.

Within a short time into the budget speech the markets started tanking and by the end of the day had shed about 6% or so falling 870 points, going from near 15000 levels to near 14000 all in the span of 1 day ! What did Pranab Mukherji do so wrong? Well....he didn't do much and that was what was wrong. All the expectations came crashing down and realisation dawned. All of a sudden the gung ho sentiment has vanished and pessimism has set in.

I had posted on valuation here during the elections and had indicated the fair value for the Sensex to be 12450. However, the fundamentals have certainly changed over the last month due to the formation of a stable the centre. I do expect reforms to kick in, although more gradually. I do expect corporate earnings to improve thereby giving it a premium valuation as well. This means a higher PE multiple (remember 1PEG). Higher the earnings higher the multiple. Speaking in numbers it would work out like this (approximately) - As per the current Sensex EPS is 762 and the Sensex trades at a PE multiple of 18. This multiple seems high with earnings still not growing at 18 times. Therefore a fair multiple would be 16 giving the Sensex a fair valuation of 12192. However, given that the earnings are expected to rise between 15%-20% in the future the Sensex FY10 EPS should be between 875-915. Considering this the Sensex should trade between 13145-18288 by the end of March 2010. If things work out good and the steps taken by the Govt.does help accelerate growth we will end up closer to the higher end. That would certainly be terrific given where we are presently.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Under promise over delivery - New York (the movie)

Its all about expectations....I guess. In more n more instances I have seen the impact of expectations on the likability of a movie. New York had a lot of pre-release hype around it, especially it being the first good starer to release after the long stand off between producers and multiplexes. I for one was eager to see the movie and had built in a lot of expectations. I have this habit of looking thru the review on on the day of the release to know what to expect. To my surprise rediff tore the movie down. My expectations came crashing down as well. I went ahead to see the movie nevertheless on Sunday evening.

PVR was the venue. I have never quite liked this theatre in Hyderabad coz of many issues which we can discuss later. Anyway, the first few scenes of the movie went by nicely. I was waiting for the movie to take the wrong direction was become horrible. However, my wait continued and continued but this flick didn't give me a dull moment. The quick transformation from the carefree college life to the bad bad world of terrorism post 9-11 was wonderfully depicted. The storyline was well paced. John, Neil and Katrina bring loads of freshness and have acted well. Katrina was outstanding towards the end. Irrfan (thats how his name is spelt) was the usual and seemed to have a Slumdog hangover.

The movie did have its share of negatives though. The diction of Neil and Katrina was not fluent. The difficulty in their Hindi was evident. The music was average except for 'Junoon' which was good. The story was made to seem like a Hollywood thriller however lacked pace. It should have been more fast paced and edge of the seat.

As I said, I went in the theatre with low expectations and came out liking the movie. I would give a 6.5/10 for this above average movie.

Friday, June 26, 2009

A politician with a vision - Kapil Sibal

Now, that's my kind of a minister - who has a vision, who wants a change and who will implement change !

The new HRD minister (what a welcome change from Pranab da) is a man of action and pleasantly in a hurry. The series of sweeping education reforms being suggested by Mr.Kapil Sibal is filled with promise and excitement. The reforms like making 10th.boards optional, having a single national board, free elementary education for all,etc.are great steps for our country.

Unfortunately, there is opposition for this as well. Not surprisingly, the opposition is mainly from the Left parties - who else. Only thing this time round they can't hold the Govt.ransom :) I truly hope that Mr.Sibal is able to implement these reforms successfully. He surely has tread on the right path. Great going minister !

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Article in Emirates' Business 24x7, Dubai

The above article had appeared in the business daily of one of the popular news papers in Dubai, UAE during the Big 5 show in Dubai last November.

I feel proud to have my pic on such a popular news paper, especially on the business pages. I always wanted to share it with all of you but somehow kept slipping my mind.

Monday, June 15, 2009

India out of the T20 World Cup :(

I am in a state of shock. I can't believe India, the Defending Champions are out of the world cup without even reaching the semis. I know there are people out there saying "its a sport", "it happens", "you can't expect them to win always", etc etc. However, I don't think its that simple. We Indians are passionate about cricket and do have expectations with our Demi-Gods. We give them the adulation when they deservedly win and have the right to give them the brickbats when they lose as well, especially in this manner.

For starters, I would rest the blame on Mahender Singh Dhoni. I do not agree with the camp that feel otherwise. MSD has committed blunders as a captain all thru the tourney. He himself wasn't a patch of what he was as a hard hitting, much feared batsmen. We saw him nudge and push the ball instead of belting it out of the stadiums like in his glorious past. The blame however, cannot be thrust only on MSD as cricket is a team game and the other team members have to share the blame equally. I would absolve Yuvraj and Rohit Sharma from the blame as they were probably the only players who stood out and showed some level of aggression. The team simply lacked the hunger and aggression which all players displayed during the highly paying IPL.

I would certainly like to see MSD lose his captaincy, not as a punishment but more in the interest of the team. I would like to see the free flowing strokes of MSD. I do think the burden of captaincy is playing on his batting. This has happened in the past with the great Sachin Tendulkar. Once he didn't have the burden of captaincy he revived his batting once again. This is what is needed for the men in (dark) blue too. The most effective replacement for MSD would have been Yuvraj. However, as the same would probably happen to the wonderful stroke play of Yuvraj in the future, I think we should opt for different captains for the different formats of the game - Rahul Dravid for tests, Sachin for one dayers and Bhajji for T20s. Radical thought...but worth a try.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Rain rain come again........

The monsoons are setting in and the weather is getting cooler. Its always a pleasure to receive the first monsoon rains. Its a huge relief from the sweltering summer heat that, in Hyderabad lasts for a good 4 months.

For the last several years I have seen the rains come and go and have always wanted to just go out and get drenched and enjoy nature in its purest form. For some reason I never quite ventured out in the rain once I started working. It was as if I had become too old to do so. However, this time it was not to be. The first rain that we had was a few days back and I was watering the few plants that we have when it started to pour. I looked and looked and then couldn't resist the temptation. I ran down the fleet of stairs; got on the roads and simply looked up to the skies and enjoyed every drop that came down on me. I got completed drenched and loved it thoroughly.

Looking at the way I was enjoying the rains my younger brother, Karan joined me. After a bit, we went under the water fall of sorts coming out of my neighbours' pipe, which was used to remove excess water from the terrace. It was a terrific experience. As if that was not enough, we went for a walk to a nearby ice cream shop and treated ourselves to the delicious Belgian Dark Chocolate ice cream.

I am surely going to repeat this experience a few more times in this season.

Friday, June 5, 2009


The T20 World Cup is here and expectations from the inaugural T20 world cup champions, Team India is sky high. India has a terrific team loaded with match winners. The batting order has fantastic depth, 7 of the possible playing 11 could bowl. A team that boasts of some of the tallest names in the business - For starters, there is Mr.Cool, MSD who is quickly getting the tag of India's finest captain. We have the finest opening batsmen pair of Gautam Gambhir and the dangerous Sehwag. Then there is Yuvraj Singh. Who can forget his heroics of 6 6's in an over in the last world cup. IPL's stunner, Rohit Sharma has already displayed a sample of what he has in store for us in the practice match vs.Pakistan. Then there is Pathan all-rounder brothers Yusuf and Irfan. Raina, Bhajji, RP & Ishant are likely to be among the playing 11. This makes for a killer combination.

Lets get going guys......T20 WORLD CUP 2009 belongs to INDIA !!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Lost at work.....

10 years back around this time I had to take a call on whether to pursue my MBA or take up a job. It was a very tough decision. On the one hand was an admission from a few very good universities and on the other was a ready job offer in what seemed an interesting line. After a lot of deliberations with all concerned I went ahead with the job. The thought behind that decision was that even if I didn't like the job I could always get the work experience and get back to college for an MBA later. I regret that decision of mine to this day and will continue to do so.

I kept working in that company in spite of not liking the job after a few months. The only other thing that could make one continue to work in a company if there is no job satisfaction was money. Sadly, in my case I couldn't have got a worse pay. I stayed on with the lure of bright future prospects. These 'prospects' were a great career in the US with a large organisation. It sure was a possibility, when I started. However, as time went by I knew that my employers(distant relatives) didn't have any intention to send me abroad. My family was very supportive and talked to my employers. Unfortunately, the wily employers tricked my parents into believing that they had big plans for me but need time.

Months went by and turned into a year and a half of 'training'. That's when I decided that I had had enough. I mustered courage and informed my parents that I will come back and immediately informed my employers and left. That brought about a new dimension to my life. Back to Hyderabad from Chennai, I started looking for jobs and finally landed one at Deloitte. A world apart from the company I worked for. I enjoyed working with Deloitte. Along the way I also did some trading in my field of experience which led me to a very good company which I work for today.

I keep pondering over that decision I took 10 years back and keep regretting not having done my MBA. I do believe I would have been far better off with an MBA under by belt. Far more satisfied at least. I do believe an MBA gives the right tools to hone one's skills and extracts the best from within. My work experience over the years has given me satisfaction and money in bouts but has engulfed my life in such a way that I have never been able to break free and go pursue my dream, my MBA.

Monday, May 25, 2009

IPL 2009 Champions - Deccan Chargers !

The 37 day festival has come to an end. The Indian Premier League 2009 has a new CHAMPION ! The Deccan Chargers have toppled the rest in the league to be deservedly crowned the CHAMPIONS OF THE IPL 2009 !

The worst performing team of 2008 had something to prove and they did it in style. What a comeback. The captain of the Chargers, Adam Gilchrist, was named 'player of the tournament'. This guy is magic. When he gets going the opposition literally gets going. The match between Deccan Chargers and the hot favourite Delhi Daredevils will never be forgotten by not only Charger fans but also every single person who has watched it. It will never be forgotten because of one man....ADAM GILCHRIST ! He went berserk. He blasted 85 from about 35 balls and ensured the Chargers were thru to the finals. Ravi Shastri, in the presentation speech said Hurricane Gilchrist just blew over the ground and took everything away from the Daredevils.

Like most matches in the league, the finals was filled with excitement and went down to the last ball. This season saw many nail biting finishes. Many finishes that went the Charges way was thanks to ROHIT SHARMA. He had a way to get 20 odd runs in the final over and hit the winning runs in the last ball. Howz that for excitement. What a player. Among other players RP Singh stood out for his spot on bowling and being the proud owner of the 'Purple Cap'. Gibbs gave a few good knocks but lacked the aggression in most matches. Symmo blazed in a couple of matches and gave a little lift in a few more. Dwyne Smith, Vaas, Ryan Harris, did their bit. The area where we really lacked was the rest of the team comprising local Andhra players. Unlike other teams there was no local player worth mentioning in our team. Our team was basically a 6 member squad. We've got to come up with better quality players for 2010 to ensure we retain our # 1 position.

Finally, a big cheers to the IPL CHAMPIONS - DECCAN CHARGERS !

Friday, May 15, 2009

Aakasamantha - beauty in simplicity !

I have been a part of the audience for mostly Hindi flicks. Only once in a way when I've heard of a movie being very good, do I go watch a Telugu movie. I don't think I have ever watched a bad Telugu movie. Aakasamantha has ensured that this record is maintained. I am glad I watched this beautiful movie.

For starters, I enjoy Prakash Raj. I have seen a few movies of his and his very presence is a draw for me as a viewer. The movie is set in a small hill station town. It is a journey of a father and his daughter from birth until her marriage. The movie revolves between these two characters and thankfully doesn't stray. The feelings, reactions and upbringing of a father has been aptly displayed. Comic moments are present all through. There are many scenes that are wonderful but the best among the best are the ones when Prakash Raj slaps the mother when he mistakenly thinks she dropped hot water on his daughter; when he requests his daughter's principal to ask a few questions to him during the interview because he prepared; the introduction of the Sardarji damaad and many more.

The movie moves at a nice pace and with a length of a little over 2 hours, it is just perfect. All actors provide good support to the main lead, Prakash Raj. It is because of him that this good movie turns into a beauty. The only negative that could be pointed out is the music. This movie transcends all ages and linguistic barriers and is a must watch by one and all.

I would rate it 8 out of 10.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

A "hair" raising tale !

My brother, the famous blogger, Kamal - used to narrate a small incident to me and to several others sometime back. It goes like this.....

Sometime back his friends father visited his friend in the US. It was freezing cold and this gentleman decided to take a walk. While walking he happened to wipe the snow off his moustache and on doing so realised that one side of his moustache had come off ! Honestly......just came off his face. It was a real moustache but because of the cold it came off with a rub. So the next thing he did was rub the other side off as well !

I always laughed it off as it couldn't have been true.

I am reminded about this incident today as I encountered a similar incident myself in a more realistic manner. For those who had a look at my profile can see the kind of hair I had. However, I decided to cut it shorter. I informed the barber that I wanted a very short cut like a small layer. In a matter of seconds the guy took out the automatic cutter with a size 1 and ploughed thru my hair. No sooner did he start than I realised what on earth was happening. The b*****d nearly shaved off one side of my head. I kept looking into the mirror for a minute or so and gave him a mini piece of my mind. For those who know me well enough know that that barber got away with this very cheaply. I looked at my half bald head and dejectedly told the guy to complete ploughing the remaining field as well !

I feel very awkward when I see myself now. However, the hair style (or the lack of it) has met with a mixed response from those around. Many have liked it as well. As for me, I am waiting to have the small layer back. One things for sure, the next time I visit a barber he will have to give me a patient hearing before he gets to work on my hair.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Sell sell sell (for the time being)

The Indian markets are on fire again. The sensex has gained over 50% in a span of about 3 months. This rise has followed a disastrous year for equities of course. There are normally three factors that people track to buy or sell in the markets.

One is fundamental. This is the basics of the a company's doing, are the sales rising/falling, are the profits rising/falling; how the sector is doing and in general how an economy is doing. The second reason is technical. This is more got to do with numbers than anything else. This basically considers different period moving averages. For example the 200 day average, 50 day average, etc. This is used mainly by traders. I have never understood how this works. But there are pundits who swear by this method and I'm sure this is something that cannot be totally ignored. The third category is the herd mentality. Market seems to be going up today so lets buy some scrips. The best example is the Reliance Power IPO. Everybody just had to apply as everyone else was. I too was enamoured by the idea of listing gains and got into the trap.

As for any product we have to also make an informed judgement while buying a stock. Unfortunately, there are no set parameters using which we can make that judgement. Each individual decides the value of a company and buys accordingly. There are a few simple terms commonly used like -

EPS - Short for earnings per share. This is the total profit earned by a company divided by the total number of shares. For example if a company earns Rs.1000 and the number of shares it has it 200 then the company has an EPS of Rs.5

PE - This is the ratio of the current market price to the earnings per share. If a company earns Rs.5 per share and is trading at Rs.100 then it has a PE ratio of 20 (100/5)

PEG - This is the ratio of PE to growth in earnings of the company. For example if a company earns Rs.4 in 2007, Rs.5 in 2008 the growth in profits is 25%. If the PE for such a company is 20 then it has a PEG of 0.8 (PE/Growth - 20/25)

The knowledgeable use these basics to value a company. Other things remaining constant a company generally is bought at PEG less than 1 and sold if PEG is more. However, this is a barometer using past figures in mind. Things could be different in future due to which many other factors that could affect a companies' performance has also to be considered.

As per the Sensex companies have an earning of about Rs.720 for FY(financial year) 08 and the index trades at about 16 PE. This means 16 times the combined earnings per share of Sensex companies. As per most brokerages the earnings of these companies would increase between about 10%-15% (best case) in FY09. This would bring the earnings to about Rs.790-830 per share. Going by the theory of 1PEG the fair value of the Sensex should be between 7900 to 12450. The Sensex has almost hit the upper end yesterday. Besides, the external factors also would play on sentiment. The elections are expected to present no clear winner. There is a good chance that the left parties and/or Mayawati's BSP would play a crucial role to form the next Government. This would certainly spell trouble. Uncertainty is something the markets don't like. Given this scenario I feel the markets are going to go down from here and based on the election results make the next move.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Hyderabad......Its Hot, literally !

For the handful of my elite readers I would like to apologize for not posting anything in a long time. Things have been extremely busy. Went for another trip - this time to Chicago for about two weeks. I have decided to give the travel postings a break as my blog is turning into a travel journal.

Well, coming back from the 5 odd degrees in Chicago to the 45 odd degrees in Hyderabad was as extreme as it gets. What a change this has been. This is what I had been experiencing for several of my trips. I talk like an no, not the accent but about the weather. I can't stop complaining about the heat in India in general and Hyderabad in particular.

I remember during one of my flights back to India I landed in Mumbai from Frankfurt flying on Lufthansa. While off boarding I came a couple of feet from the legendary Sachin Tendulkar ! He was accompanied by his wife and a friend. While getting off the plane he commented - "This is called a WARM welcome".

The day after I got back I started to look for air conditioners for my living cum dining room. Contrary to normal homes, ours is the size of a football field. This would normally be a good thing. However, getting this 'football field' cool when the mercury hovers between 40 and 45 degrees Celsius is close to impossible. After a lot of comparing and fretting about budgets I finally decided to go in for an O General split AC. I heard a lot about this brand from several people and trusted their judgement. Although it is the most expensive among those that I saw, I went ahead with my purchase. Hope it lives up to its reputation.

Friday, April 10, 2009

My visit to Australia and New Zealand - IV

'Good luck Maite' said the immigration officer and welcomed me to Australia. Clear blue skies, lush green landscapes, spotlessly clean and beautiful beaches, fresh breeze, surfers, filled restaurants, families in the parks and people having a great time everywhere....Australia is all this and more.

On this trip of mine I visited Perth, Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney, Gold Coast and Brisbane. I found each place to be beautiful but had time to spend only in Melbourne and Sydney. I might again be biased to these cities as I had time to explore only these but I must say that they were amazing. The whole atmosphere is so vibrant, so full of life. People here truly live life to the fullest. I enjoyed my walks at the harbours, the beaches and the bustling cities (the local lingo for down town) in Sydney and Melbourne. The few places that stand out were the Melbourne Docklands, Gold Coast's beach and coast line, the beaches in all the cities, the famous Harbour bridge and last but surely not the least the iconic Opera House in Sydney.

Have compiled a few pics from the above. Enjoy !

Melbourne Docklands

Fire show at Crown Plaza Hotel - Melbourne
This hotel also has a casino, multiplex, shopping complex, restaurants and a beautiful water front location. The fire show, although simple is excellent. This runs every evening on specific schedules.

......and as if that wasn't enough, I was in Melbourne a couple of days bafore the F1 race. This gave me the opportunity to see the sexiest of Ferraris just parked on the road by the line of eateries. Here's one of them -

One of Sydney's beautiful beaches -

I did some bird watching....literally !

A view of Sydney city from the Cruise -

Gold Coast's beautiful landscape and coast line -

The Iconic Harbour bridge and Opera House !

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

My visit to Australia and New Zealand - III

The next morning I woke up and was amazed at the beauty of this place. Auckland is a picturesque place with a lot of greenery and fresh air. What a change from the pollution in Hyderabad.

I took a small little tour in Auckland and visited the tallest tower in the southern hemisphere - Sky Tower ! That's where the Indian cricket team did the sky walk recently. Here's the pic of the structure from close and from a distance -

......and here are the pics from the top -

Auckland also has an amazing aquarium with unique variety of fish. Sample this -

These guys also replicated Antarctica and have migrated Penguins as well. Check this out for yourself -

After a long day I stopped by at 'Bolliwood' (yes, that's the way its spelt) Indian restaurant. The food was good and so was the ambiance. Besides, its named Bolliwood...what more incentive to go have a bite.

110 Ponsonby Road,
Ponsonby, Auckland
Tel - 376 6477

I built up expectations for my next stop - Christchurch. Although, it was a nice place as well but wasn't as beautiful as Auckland. I might be wrong on this one as I really didn't have any time to look around. With another day's work at Christchurch I left New Zealand with fond memories of the beauty of the land and looked forward to my next destination - Australia !

Sunday, March 22, 2009

My visit to Australia and New Zealand - II

The flight from Hyderabad to Singapore took about 3-1/2 hours and thereafter I had a halt for about 2 hours in Singapore airport before taking my connecting flight to Auckland. This was a 9-1/2 hour flight. I didn't expect such a long flight. Anyways, as luck would have it the flight was quite empty. I grabbed the opportunity and moved over to get a middle row of seats which were empty.

After a little while of the flight taking off I prepared myself to stretch and have a good nap. However, my nap was interrupted very early by a flight attendant asking if I wanted my meal. My request for serving my meal after a few hours was turned down with a answer that 'we cannot reserve the meals for so long'. I said what the heck, get me my meal right now. I scrolled on the menu options on the in-flight entertainment system and was happy to see the Hindi movie options. Me being me, I couldn't resist the urge of catching a Hindi movie and so postponed the nap by a little. The movie I saw was Dasvidaniya. I am glad that I did as it was truly a very nice movie. After that and my meal I did manage to get a nap. The cramped seats, seat belts and the partition handles didn't make my nap easy but it was certainly better than keeping myself seated on my single seat.

I manager to get a couple of hours rest and got up to realise that we had another 4-5 hours left. So it was movie time yet again. I watched Quantum of solace this time after which it was the Hindi movie EMI. I almost manager to finish this movie bu the flight attendant asked for the head sets prior to our landing. They even turned off the in-flight entertainment systems about landing. Wonder why the have to do such things. Can't we be entertained until we reach the gate after landing. I think it is Emirates that even takes the blankets away before landing. To hell with the cold!

Anyways, we touched down New Zealand soil pretty much on time. I was expecting a very posh looking airport but was surprised that it was a very ordinary looking simple airport. Guys coming from Auckland into Hyderabad would be expecting an ordinary airport and would be taken aback at the beauty of our airport. Well....getting back to New Zealand, the immigration was quick. However, there was a little delay in the customs as they wanted to check my sample box. This damn box always gets me delayed. Unfortunately, it is a must to carry this everywhere. I exited the airport in search of the hotel shuttle but found none and therefore took a taxi (with an Indian driver) and headed for my hotel.

Friday, March 20, 2009

My visit to Australia and New Zealand

Its travel time yet again !

Travel seems very exciting to many and for quite sometime it was for me too. However, those who travel for work would know what it really is after a while. I have been travelling for over 7 years and have had the privilege of visiting the United States, Canada, Italy, Germany, Switzerland, France, Belgium, UK, Greece, UAE, Singapore, Malaysia and China. However, I never got the opportunity to visit Australia and New Zealand. This trip of mine would fulfil my desire to visit these countries as well.

I am once again at the beautiful Hyderabad International Airport awaiting my departure call on Singapore Airlines (yes, once again !). I look forward to a fruitful trip work wise and also to enjoy the scenic countries. I had some difficulties with my camera and hope the same gets sorted out so I could take a lot of pictures as forever memories. I will obviously fill you in on my trip as and when I can. Until then.....CHEERS MAITE !

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Promises are meant to be least in Indian Politics !

The tamasha has begun.

Every time the elections are announced each party tries to make bigger promises than the other with the sole objective to come to power. None really care of the consequence of such promises if they are actually elected. Unfortunately, it is the largely uneducated electorate that fall prey to such promises and elect such parties to power.

The last elections in our state had the Congress party offer free power to the agriculture sector. After coming to power the first thing the Chief Minister did was sign the free power scheme into affect. However, gradually the Govt.realised that this was a blunder and made amendments. Now its election time again and with it comes the promises galore. This time the main opposition to the Congress in the state, the TDP has promised cash compensation to all poor families, subsidised food grains, free electricity and hold your breath - color TVs ! Yes, you got that right - color TVs. Cheap food, money and TV (that too no charge for electricity) - the poor have nothing to work for!

From where will the Govt.get the money to offer such extravagant deals? It is obviously going to be from the tax collected off the people who work hard to feed themselves and their families with their own money. This is just one of the many unbelievable promises that are made by all political parties these days. The educated understand this and surely would not like to vote for such people. However, when one looks around, no one is different. Whom to vote for?

This election has brought a new face in the politics of our state in the form of actor Chiranjeevi. The actor has had a fabulous career in movies and shows potential to be a leader with a difference. Will he actually be any different, only time will tell.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

LOL - Its Pink Panther 2 !

If laughter is the best medicine, Pink Panther 2 is one of the best among the medicines.

Inspector Jacques Clouseau, portrayed by the inimitable Steve Martin is a treat for movie goers. The movie has the usual plot - precious artifacts get stolen from different countries and inspector Clouseau is asked to lead an international dream team to crack the case. The journey of the team in cracking the case is the crux of the movie.

The 1 and a half hour movie is filled with laughs from the word go. Steve Martin's French accent itself is so funny that it makes a plain dialogue seem funny. There are many superb comic scenes all through. The scene with the Pope takes the cake though. I must warn you to take some pills for a stomach ache as this scene in particular and the whole movie in general is going to make you laugh real hard till your stomach pains. It is unbelievable. Steve Martin rocks.

The rest of the cast is wonderful as well. Among them is our own Aishwarya Rai Bachchan. Unlike popular belief, she does have a good role, which she plays very well. She obviously looks gorgeous as well. I am sure we are going to see a lot more of her in Hollywood.

This is a MUST WATCH and deservedly gets 8.5/10.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

The state of our state

Last week I was surprised to see the sudden repair work being carried out on the road to my son's school. I was happy that the municipal corporation is doing this work as the road was in desparate need of repairs. The speed of work was also terrific. An entire stretch was repaired in flat two days. The side walls were painted white as were the boundaries of the roads. I have always been very critical of the way the government and its machinery works. Although this was a welcome change.

Then came the day after the work was completed. The morning drive to the school answered the question of how come such fast work on this road. Our honorable Chief Minister was scheduled to inaugurate some project on that road that evening. This is unfortunately, the sad fact in our country. The roads are repaired for the ministers to ensure a smooth ride wherever they pass. The ordinary citizens can go thru the same pathetic road throughout their life and no one would care. But when any big minister passes by the road has to become perfect. People have become wise these days. When the roads in the locality becomes unbearable they just invite the CM or any big minister and 'voila' you have a great road in a matter of days.

These ministers give a pat on the back on the people responsible for the 'great' roads while being fully aware of the ground reality. We citizens pay taxes for the improvement of the roads, water, power, security, etc. But our hard earned money goes into the pockets of unscrupulous bureaucrats who couldn't care less about what is going on.

I don't see this changing for at least the next two generations as corruption is so deeply rooted in our system that it will take this much time for it to slowly get drained out. India can easily grow at more than 10% per annum if only our govt.put a check on corruption. It is not enough for a party to simply raise the slogan of 'Aam Aadmi' but actually focus on the aam aadmi by ensuring that development reaches the people it is meant for. I also know that this blog wouldn't make any difference to anything but I just had to bring this out and share my frustration with this pathetic system that we are forced to live with day in and day out.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Going from family pack to 6 pack !

Workout n me have never gelled very well in my adult life.

I have been a regularly irregular visitor to gyms over the years. Initially, in the good olden days when I was thin I went to get some doley sholey. Over the last few years in a poor attempt to get a 6 pack I ended up with a family pack ! This led me to the gym to get those extra kilos off. I had never been regular which therefore never yielded any results.

I have, however, been very regular this time around. I have been so regular that the number of visits to the gym in my entire earlier life has been less than the number of visits in the last two months. I have now got hooked to the gym. The ambiance in the gym is very lively - fast beat music, pretty girls, etc. It inspires me to be regular and try and achieve more in each visit.

Now, the gym I go to has mirrors all over the wall. This gives the gym a larger feel. It also gives a seem less view of everybody in the gym. One common aspect of all gym goers is the way they look at themselves in the mirror. Everyone is fascinated with themselves. Seeing the muscles pop up each time a weight is lifted is the driver to go for another. The pouring sweat at the end of the workout makes me feel good about myself. The funny thing is that after each workout I try to see if my muscles have increased. Unconsciously, I think everyone does that.

The glass of fresh lime (sweet and salt) after my workout is just a fantastic way to wrap things up for the day.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Billu Bhayankar !

Don't judge a book by its cover and a movie by its trailer !

Billu, the new name for Billu Barber, came out with fast paced trailers with super hit songs and gorgeous actresses. The movie on the other hand hardly has Shah Rukh Khan. His cannot be termed as a full role and is nothing but a cameo. It is an out an out Irfan Khan movie. You can't project it to be an SRK movie and then give him a long dialogue in the climax with a few songs in between and hope to deliver a hit.

Billu revolves around a village barber, played by Irfan Khan. He is a simple, honest and very poor guy. The entire village goes into a tizzy with the grand arrival of super star Sahir Khan, played by SRK, for a shooting. Now, Sahir Khan was an old friend of Billu. This word spreads throughout the village. For most part of the movie, the villagers try to persuade Billu to make them meet Sahir Khan. But Billu, doesn't want to meet the super star as he is very poor and isn't sure if the star remembered him. Finally, to no ones amazement SRK and Irfan meet.

The movie is devoid of any storyline. The entire movie is just the villagers trying to get to meet the super star. Brilliant actors like Om Puri, Asrani and even SRK as totally wasted. The longest comic scene in the movie, when the lodge manager takes a shot at acting, is terrible. The actors are loud and jarring. The scene where SRK clarifies the Khan vs.Khan, filmi bhaichara, bakwaas and boring. Not everything is bad with the movie though. Irfan Khan comes up with a very nice performance. The music is also one of the strong points of the movie. However, even the presence of SRK cannot salvage this blunder.

I would give it 4/10.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Anurag Kashyap ka Atyachar !

I am on the look out for the guy who posted the review on Times of India last Sunday. The guy gave Dev D 5 stars. I was shocked to read the review and thought that 5 stars would probably be over rated but at least the movie would be good.

I then eagerly took the tickets for the same night. The first few scenes into the movie and I started to get a feel of things to come. However, the movie surpassed all my expectations. Scene after scene it went from trash to trashier. All through this "Modern Devdas" attempt I felt like I was being cheated. It was an unbearable movie. The only thing good about the movie was - "The End". Forget the story, the performances, everything else about this piece of crap. The movie sucks.

Please do yourselves a favour and stay miles away from any theatre that plays this movie. It is an insult to even rate this movie so I have decided not to give any rating. It deserves below a minus rating.

Monday, February 9, 2009

My Sunday

There goes another Sunday !

I don't hate anything more than a lousily spent Sunday. In fact, I genuinely get a head ache if I end up doing nothing on this day. Its the way the big guy up there made me.

Unlike most companies in the west and the software companies in India, most companies in India work 6 day weeks. As for me, I do put in a lot of hard work during those 6 days and look forward to making the most on a Sunday. Unfortunately, the last two Sundays have had me going to work for some reason or the other. The last one for half a day the the previous one for one full day. Needless to say, I become rather grumpy when such things happen.

Then there are other Sundays when I do not have any work but somehow no other plan materializes. This is the type of day I would hope no one messes with me. I can really be nasty. I enjoy a fun filled Sunday which could comprise a movie, dinner or lunch out at a nice restaurant, some workout at the gym, maybe a swim, some shopping, a visit to the temple, etc. Nothing out of the ordinary but basic little things that keep me busy thru the day. With the kind of pace most of our lives have these days, Sunday comes as a much needed breather. I know I need this break and I need to make the most of it.

However, Sunday's gone and its Monday today. So let me get back to work with the hope that the next Sunday is different.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009 chance - Go watch this flick !

Farhan Akhtar's performance in Rock on was spell bounding. I looked forward to another smashing performance from Farhan and went for chance solely for him.

Unfortunately, no Rock on. Without a comparison it is a movie worth watching. Its got good performances by the entire cast. Special mention to the wonderful portrayal of Romy Rolly by Rishi Kapoor. He excels in his part. While Farhan does justice to the role, he does not cast the spell that he did with Rock on. The small little cameo by Hrithik Roshan is fun. By the way, this is the first movie to star Aamir Khan and Shah Rukh Khan together, even though not in the same frame. The movie has its moments. The scene in the acting school is hilarious. A comic scene here and there keeps the movie alive all through. The story is different and good. Almost like a toned down Madhur Bhandarkar movie. Music is ok.

This movie would not run forever in the multiplex near you. Until its there please go, grab your pop corn n drink and enjoy this flick. I would give it a 7/10.

Monday, February 2, 2009

At the cross roads of life

Many a time I find myself at a cross road having to pause and think which road to take. Of course, I don't mean roads literally but about the different paths in life.

The decision made to travel on anyone of these roads is a decision that one has to live with for life. In my case, the first time I was faced with such a situation was after my graduation. I had an option to pursue my MBA or join my relative's granite firm in Chennai. At that point my family and I had taken the decision to join the company in Chennai. Even today, after about 10 years of that decision, I cannot tell for sure if that decision was right or wrong. It could have been right for I got my present job as a result of my stint in the company in Chennai. It could have been wrong cause I am not in the best industry and could have been in a much better position had I pursued my MBA. Ifs and buts are not of any consequence when talking of the past. But they can surely be the guiding factor when planning for the future.

Since the past several months I find myself contemplating about my future. I have a family to support, which makes any decision all the more complicated. The question that keeps popping up all the time now is whether my family's future would be better in the United States or in India. I am reasonably happy with my job but off late there have been difficulties on certain aspects. I know from deep within that these would not be overcome and I'd have to live with the same issue in this company. On the other hand, a world of uncertainties await us had we to move to the US. I am also very attached to the company I work for and find it extremely awkward to even think of any other option.

I am waiting for the balance to tilt one way or the other and hope the clouds of uncertainty pass sooner than later for me to take my journey forward.