Tuesday, May 12, 2009

A "hair" raising tale !

My brother, the famous blogger, Kamal - http://www.kamaldshah.com/ used to narrate a small incident to me and to several others sometime back. It goes like this.....

Sometime back his friends father visited his friend in the US. It was freezing cold and this gentleman decided to take a walk. While walking he happened to wipe the snow off his moustache and on doing so realised that one side of his moustache had come off ! Honestly......just came off his face. It was a real moustache but because of the cold it came off with a rub. So the next thing he did was rub the other side off as well !

I always laughed it off as it couldn't have been true.

I am reminded about this incident today as I encountered a similar incident myself in a more realistic manner. For those who had a look at my profile can see the kind of hair I had. However, I decided to cut it shorter. I informed the barber that I wanted a very short cut like a small layer. In a matter of seconds the guy took out the automatic cutter with a size 1 and ploughed thru my hair. No sooner did he start than I realised what on earth was happening. The b*****d nearly shaved off one side of my head. I kept looking into the mirror for a minute or so and gave him a mini piece of my mind. For those who know me well enough know that that barber got away with this very cheaply. I looked at my half bald head and dejectedly told the guy to complete ploughing the remaining field as well !

I feel very awkward when I see myself now. However, the hair style (or the lack of it) has met with a mixed response from those around. Many have liked it as well. As for me, I am waiting to have the small layer back. One things for sure, the next time I visit a barber he will have to give me a patient hearing before he gets to work on my hair.

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