Friday, June 26, 2009

A politician with a vision - Kapil Sibal

Now, that's my kind of a minister - who has a vision, who wants a change and who will implement change !

The new HRD minister (what a welcome change from Pranab da) is a man of action and pleasantly in a hurry. The series of sweeping education reforms being suggested by Mr.Kapil Sibal is filled with promise and excitement. The reforms like making 10th.boards optional, having a single national board, free elementary education for all,etc.are great steps for our country.

Unfortunately, there is opposition for this as well. Not surprisingly, the opposition is mainly from the Left parties - who else. Only thing this time round they can't hold the Govt.ransom :) I truly hope that Mr.Sibal is able to implement these reforms successfully. He surely has tread on the right path. Great going minister !

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