Monday, February 9, 2009

My Sunday

There goes another Sunday !

I don't hate anything more than a lousily spent Sunday. In fact, I genuinely get a head ache if I end up doing nothing on this day. Its the way the big guy up there made me.

Unlike most companies in the west and the software companies in India, most companies in India work 6 day weeks. As for me, I do put in a lot of hard work during those 6 days and look forward to making the most on a Sunday. Unfortunately, the last two Sundays have had me going to work for some reason or the other. The last one for half a day the the previous one for one full day. Needless to say, I become rather grumpy when such things happen.

Then there are other Sundays when I do not have any work but somehow no other plan materializes. This is the type of day I would hope no one messes with me. I can really be nasty. I enjoy a fun filled Sunday which could comprise a movie, dinner or lunch out at a nice restaurant, some workout at the gym, maybe a swim, some shopping, a visit to the temple, etc. Nothing out of the ordinary but basic little things that keep me busy thru the day. With the kind of pace most of our lives have these days, Sunday comes as a much needed breather. I know I need this break and I need to make the most of it.

However, Sunday's gone and its Monday today. So let me get back to work with the hope that the next Sunday is different.

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