Saturday, June 21, 2008

Politics Vs Nuclear energy

The last couple of days has proved yet again how the country is held ransom to the whims of a few politicians. It is a well known fact that India needs alternate energy sources, nuclear surely being one of them, to keep growing in the years ahead. The coal resources are depleting and might not cater to the growing needs of a resurgent India. What on earth do the left parties mean by saying NO for every bloody thing that the government tries to move ahead with. How on earth does India become the United States' slave if the Nuclear deal goes thru ?
Why then would the left want to block a deal that is essential in meeting the energy demands in our country ? Dr.Singh has finally learnt that the LEFT should never be at the CENTRE and should really be just LEFT alone.
Now, one can expect the left to say no for everything but how about the other political parties -
RJD - believed to support the congress now as they do not want an early election in which they might not perform very well.
DMK - cut off ties with one of their allies (PMK) recently and therefore need the congress to support them to retain their position in Tamil Nadu. Now they too support the deal.
BJP - wanted the cooperation when they were in power. Now they oppose it coz they are the opposition and feel that their job is to oppose anything the government does.
SP - they dont have a clear stand and want to see how thing move - if congress helps them to come back to power in UP they support the deal, otherwise they remain good friends with the left parties and reject the deal.

All this really shows the sorry state of our country. The people whom we bring to power thinking they are the best for the country's developement, clearly put their personal goals, greeds before the nation. Why dont we every hear a left leader criticise the Chinese for their incrusions into sikkim ? In fact what bugs them if India gets to have better relations with America. The communist countries like China are creating records with the amount of business they do with the US. Then whats wrong with our communists ? Mr.Karat, Mr.Yechuri, Mr.Raja and the likes would have to answer the public sooner than later.

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