Saturday, June 21, 2008

Politics Vs Nuclear energy

The last couple of days has proved yet again how the country is held ransom to the whims of a few politicians. It is a well known fact that India needs alternate energy sources, nuclear surely being one of them, to keep growing in the years ahead. The coal resources are depleting and might not cater to the growing needs of a resurgent India. What on earth do the left parties mean by saying NO for every bloody thing that the government tries to move ahead with. How on earth does India become the United States' slave if the Nuclear deal goes thru ?
Why then would the left want to block a deal that is essential in meeting the energy demands in our country ? Dr.Singh has finally learnt that the LEFT should never be at the CENTRE and should really be just LEFT alone.
Now, one can expect the left to say no for everything but how about the other political parties -
RJD - believed to support the congress now as they do not want an early election in which they might not perform very well.
DMK - cut off ties with one of their allies (PMK) recently and therefore need the congress to support them to retain their position in Tamil Nadu. Now they too support the deal.
BJP - wanted the cooperation when they were in power. Now they oppose it coz they are the opposition and feel that their job is to oppose anything the government does.
SP - they dont have a clear stand and want to see how thing move - if congress helps them to come back to power in UP they support the deal, otherwise they remain good friends with the left parties and reject the deal.

All this really shows the sorry state of our country. The people whom we bring to power thinking they are the best for the country's developement, clearly put their personal goals, greeds before the nation. Why dont we every hear a left leader criticise the Chinese for their incrusions into sikkim ? In fact what bugs them if India gets to have better relations with America. The communist countries like China are creating records with the amount of business they do with the US. Then whats wrong with our communists ? Mr.Karat, Mr.Yechuri, Mr.Raja and the likes would have to answer the public sooner than later.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Who said Rajni can't ??

Once, Newton came to India and watched a few Tamil movies that had his head spinning. He was convinced that all his logic and laws in physics were just a huge pile of junk and apologized for everything he had done.
In the movie of Rajanikanth, Newton was confused to such an extent that he went paranoid. Here are a few scenes -
1) Rajanikanth has a Brain Tumor, which, according to the doctors can't be cured and his death is imminent. In one of the fights, Rajanikanth is shot in the head. To everybody's surprise, the bullet passes through his ears taking away the tumor along with it and he is cured !
2) In another movie Rajanikanth is confronted with 3 gangsters. Rajanikanth has a gun but unfortunately only one bullet and a knife. Guess, what he does? He throws the knife at the middle gangster & shoots the bullet towards the knife. The knife cuts the bullet into 2 pieces which kills both the gangsters on each side of the middle gangster & the knife kills the middle one.
3) Rajanikanth is chased by a gangster. Rajanikanth has a revolver but no bullets in it. Guess, what he does. Nah? not even in your remotest imaginations. He waits for the gangster to shoot. As soon as the gangster shoots, Rajanikanth opens the bullet compartment of his revolver and catches the bullet. Then, he closes the bullet compartment and fires his gun. Bang... the gangster dies...
This was too much for our Newton to take! He was completely shaken and decided to go back. But he happened to see another movie for one last time, and thought that at least one movie would follow his theory of physics. The whole movie goes fine and Newton is happy that all in the world hasn't changed. Oops, not so fast! The 'climax' finally arrives. Rajanikanth gets to know that the villain is on the other side of a very high wall. So high that Rajanikanth can't jump even if he tries - like one of those superman techniques that our heroes normally use. Rajanikanth has to desperately kill the villain because it's the climax. (Newton is smiling since it is virtually impossible?) Rajanikanth suddenly pulls two guns from his pockets. He throws one gun in the air and when the gun has reached above the height of the wall, he uses the second gun and shoots at the trigger of the first gun in air. The first gun fires off and the villain is dead. Newton commits suicide...

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Sarkar ka nahin hai Raj !

Well...what I never understand is WHY would anybody have the BigB in a film and not use his genius to the max. Especially after the wonderful Sarkar, my expectations from the sequel were obviously sky high. To my dissappointment the movie gave Mr.and Mrs. SmallB a lot more footage than the trump card.
The movie does not engross the viewer like Sarkar. Although I would not say it is a bad movie and is surely watchable. Performances by all are good. The length of 2 hours is a pleasant surprise and the correct length for a film of this nature. However the audiences could have sat thru without budging had Ramu given Amitabh more time on screen.
Story was OK; no songs - actually let me say there was 1/2 a song; background score was nice; etc etc...
To sum it all I would give 6/10 for this one.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Stock Market and the Casino !?

Its very facinating to see the movements in the stock market (Indian). I feel I am well informed and in tune with everything. But.....can anyone claim that ?

There was an expert who had done some analysis and stated that historically in any given 5 year period the stock market has always been the best performing asset class. For those who want simpler lingo....asset class means any form of investment that gives returns. I will wait for another three years before writing to that gentleman that his theory is a piece of shit ;) Although I do feel he is right.

Where the heck if the other part of the title linked to the topic ? Well my dad used to say that stock investment is just 'satta' or gambling. He used to be a day trader and never really invested or researched a company before trading. He used to go to our broker, look at the screen and buy anything that was going up and sell it immediately after the price went up a little more after he bought. Well, obviously this method could work on a few days but then days like those would always be just that - FEW. Over the last year however, I have been successful in changing his opinion. He has begun investing in certain companies that have good potential over the long term.

There are somethings all of us (aam aadmi) should learn from the few intelligent and sane investors out there. One gentleman a while back stated - Be greedy when everybody is scared and be scared when everybody is greedy ! In other words, when you see every single person you know or don't buying stocks of a company its time you stay away or better still, sell. A classic example would be the Reliance Power IPO - whole world knows what happened there. It became Power OFF toh India OFF !! Just to inform you the name of the gentleman whose great words I have mentioned above is Warren Buffett.

Until next time....happy investing !!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Whats up ?

Cant help but accept that I was influenced to create my blog after all the recent news from the big stars related to their blogs.
I thought the blogs from Aamir were very humourous and should have been taken in the right spirit. SRK has on several occassions poked fun at Aamir, which were very enjoyable as well.
I happen to be a big fan of both these stars and have enjoyed these tit bits from them and wish we get a bigger dose from both in future as well !!